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  • 奇亿平台_博西家电产品天津仓储及二程运输招标

    发布时间: 2023-10-12 10:46首页:主页 > 奇亿注册宏观 > 阅读()
    博西家电产品天津仓储及二程运输招标 2017-11-22    来源:叭叭物流 分享:   BSH Tender for warehouse and 2nd transportation services in Tianjin   博西家电产品天津仓储及二程运输招标   As a member of BSH Home Appliance Group we are in charge of developing and selling home appliances under our two main brands SIEMENS and BOSCH in China. In 2016 BSH Home Appliances Group achieved an annual turnover of 13.1 billion Euros worldwide.   作为博西家电集团的成员,我们主要负责在中国开发和销售博世和西门子两大品牌的家用电器产品。2016年,博西家电集团在全球的年营业额达到了131亿欧元。   For our Tianjin area we are searching for warehouse and 2nd transportation suppliers with good reputation and experience in white goods operation. Suppliers should be interested in cooperation with at least 2.5 years contract. The potential warehouse should be located in the area of Tianjin with a minimum space of 3,000 square meters (option of extension). The 2nd transportation volume is about 65,000 units per year (mainly refrigerators and washing machines).   我们在天津寻求仓储和二程运输资源,希望能与拥有良好声誉及白色家电操作方面经验的供应商合作,且供应商对至少两年半的合同期感兴趣。仓储的地址应在天津,面积需求为至少3,000平方米(将来可能扩展),二程运程的全年运量约65,000台家电产品(主要是冰箱和洗衣机)。   Suppliers can decide whether if they want to apply for warehouse or transportation services only or for both operations (warehouse and transportation).   供应商可自行选择参与仓储部分、或二程运输部分、或两个部分都参与。   The tender will be launched in Jan of 2018 on the web based TiContract tool www.ticontract.com.   本次招标将于2018 年1月通过www.ticontract.com平台启动。   If you are interested in our tender, please send your application in PDF with following related qualification documents to mailbox logistics-tender@bshg.com :   · Company introduction (EN CN language)   · Business scope and experience (EN CN language)   · Business license, Organizational code certificate, Tax registration certificate; or new license with three licenses combined together (business; tax registration; organization code)   · Road transportation permission ( for tender of 2nd transport)   · Fire-fighting certificate of warehouse (for tender of warehouse)   · Mail subject: Tianjin tender - candidate name - tender target   Please register immediately in www.ticontract.com if you are passed our pre-evaluation, you needn’t register again if you have already registered before.   如果您有意向,请以pdf 格式提供相关经营资质文件发送至 logistics-tender@bshg.com ,包括:   · 公司介绍(中英文双语)   · 业务范围及白色家电经验(中英文双语)   · 营业执照、 组织机构代码证、 税务登记证;或三证合一的新证   · 道路运输许可证 (用于二程运输投标)   · 仓储的消防资质证明 (用于仓储投标)   · 发送邮件的主题格式:天津招标 – 申请公司的名称 – 申请的标的(仓储或二程运输或仓储&二程运输)   如果贵司通过我们初选,请立即在www.ticontract.com平台注册,若已经注册的则无需再次注册。   Deadline for application: 10 days after publish   申请截至时间:本广告发布后10天   BSH HOME APPLIANCES (CHINA) CO., LTD.   博西家用电器(中国)有限公司   Address: 20,21/F, No.129, Zhong shan Road, Zhong Nan International Mansion, Gulou District, Nanjing.   地址:南京市鼓楼区中山路129号中南国际大厦20,21楼   如果您也有物流运输招标信息需要发布,可联系叭叭速配小编,电话、微信:18589068801也可以将物流运输招标信息发送至邮箱:374319919@qq.com跟多关于空车配货、手机配货软件、货车司机找货、货主找车信息请登录叭叭速配https://m.babasuper.com/ 靠谱货源,尽在叭叭 手机APP(司机) 海量车源,都在叭叭 手机APP(货主) 最新资讯,叭叭出品 官方微信 【责任编辑:叭叭速配】 上一篇:海信集团福州营销中心2018年度物流运输招标公告  下一篇:青岛至下卡姆斯克 20GP 铁路运输招标

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